Flamenco Dance activity Sevilla Walking Tours
Rhythm and palmas and Flamenco Dance activities Sevilla Walking Tours

Product Description

Price: 28 €

Flamenco Shoes for rent : 5 euros extra

Flamenco Skirt or Vests for rent: 5 euros extra


To book for this activity, please fill out the form or give us a call once you are in Spain on the number 0034 616 501 100.


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Flamenco Class Experience

For beginners, even absolute beginners! We’ll start from zero and you’ll learn a brief introduction of Flamenco’s origins, concepts and culture.

There is something in this dance that captivates: passion, soul, emotion, tension, energy. What can you feel? What can you give? We will go on barking everything into pieces: basic body positions, professional footwork, flamenco rhythms and hand clappings and basic arms-hands work. After feeling comfortable with them, we will start matching the pieces and you will be ready to learn and dance a fun flamenco routine in one flamenco style with local taste wearing a typical shawl and a big flamenco flower or a flamenco scarf. Just be ready to surprise yourself

Fall in love with the arm and hand movements and put your own into practice whether you are male or female. Enjoy trying a variety of movements to find the ones you like best.

If you decide to attend a flamenco show, this will give you a better understanding of its intensity, the difficulties of performing and the hours of practice it requires.


The activity runs on:

Monday to Friday at 13.30 and 15.00h. Saturday and Sunday at 12.00, 15.00, 16.30 and 18.00 h

For adults and children over 8. Maximum of 10 persons

Check with us for up-to-date availability.


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