Product Description
The whisper system is included in the price The price of the tour does not include the admission fees. You should buy your own tickets ahead of time. Please do it through the only official website and buy the tickets for 12.45 or 13.15 h depending on your tour schedule. There is a minimum and a maximum number of people that we take in a group so bookings are most recommended specially in high and low season. That helps us in our planning of tours and how many guides we need on given dates. Showing up is fine but we don´t guarantee we have the minimum size filled or there are spots available the day when you come. To book for this tour, please fill out the form or give us a call once you are in Spain on the number 0034 616 501 100. Cancellation policy. There is a cancellation fee of 10% for bookings paid with credit card up to 48 hours prior to the tour. We refund 50% for cancellations 24 hours prior. No refunds at all for cancellations the same day.
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